06/12/2018 Taste the award-winning Gallows Hill Spirits and learn about their link to the Salem Witch Trials in their tasting room located in Allentown, PA.
Currently, Gallows Hill Spirits are located in Allentown, Pennsylvania and their story continues as we carry on efforts to bring to market some magical rums and whiskeys infused with unique botanical flavours after 10 generations. Smooth and energetic these easy drinking spirits can be enjoyed straight or mixed.
Bob Piano
Bob’s passion for brewing and spirits led to this journey into craft distilling. Telling the family history as part of the journey helped tie everything together. His 20+ years of home brewing, teaching and working in the brewing industry provided a strong set of skills to bring this distillery to life. Bob acts as our head distiller, running recipes, mashes and all distillations as well as responsibilities for the business operations side of the house.
Scott Minnich
Scott brings a brewing background and business skills to the operations side of the business, Scott oversees the financial operations and reporting compliance to keep the government happy.
Moonstone Rune
A spirit conjured by the marrying of corn, cane sugar, and water in equal parts to form a simple and smooth spirit. Gemstone lore claims Moonstone can assist in the foretelling of the future, enhancing intuition, promoting inspiration and helping bring success in business and matters of the heart. Best enjoyed under the full moon!
Tituba’s Silver
Tituba’s Silver, a silver rum spirit made of our special blend of high-grade molasses and cane sugar to give it a clean and easy drinking flavor. Tituba was a Caribbean slave in the household of the Reverend Samuel Parris, it was her stories of witchcraft to the children of the household and their friends which helped ignite the Salem Witch Trials.
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