
Bartender Spirits Awards

Bartender Spirits Awards
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Brian Walker

Bartender at Maybecks, San Francisco

I started in the restaurant industry--a barista at the time--ten years ago to help pay for college where I was studying archaeology. An interest I’d come about in my studies was the constant and varied nature of alcohol across all of human society. It was here before agriculture, and it’s been everywhere since, treated simultaneously sacred and profane, but always important. And since then, it’s been a passion of mine to learn and understand the culture, history, and legacy of the spirits I serve. Given this, it would be an honor of mine to help.
I’ve been working behind the bar in San Francisco since 2015. I started as a barback at The Rotunda at Neiman Marcus, then as a bartender the year after, ultimately taking over as bar lead. I left The Rotunda to join Maybeck’s, a neighborhood fine dining spot, in 2019, and I’ve worked there as a bartender since.

Meet our Judges

Jared Givens

Director of Restaurants, Bars, and Events at The Thompson, Hyatt Hotels, Dallas

Mike Ryan

Global Beverage Director, Acurio International, Chicago