03/11/2020 Elysian Desert Distilleries won at the 2020 Bartender Spirits Awards - Special Feature on Los Angeles Drinks Guide
In 2016 Renea McQuiggan, third generation Kansas farm land owner and resident of Arizona began exploring potential opportunities that could possibly incorporate products from the farm. Together with her husband Michael, a long-time connoisseur of fine scotch and whisky, decided to explore using the grains produced on the farm to open a distillery and create premium spirits that they could enjoy and share with others.
Renea and Michael started their journey by attending Moonshine University, in Louisville Kentucky. Moonshine University taught them all facets of opening and operating a distillery and they made many contacts in the Kentucky distilling industry that they have partnered with to help bring their vision to a reality. The idea of using the grain from the family farm was the catalyst to begin exploration and taking the next steps to create a line of products. Elysian Desert Distilleries (Elysian) was incorporated in March of 2017. Elysian is a woman owned and Family operated company with Renea as President and Abigail Merritt, Renea’s daughter, Vice President.
Chakra Vodka was introduced to the market towards the end of 2019 and is starting to have a following of its own. Watch for this delightful line up of vodka with seven unique flavors on store shelves soon.
Carefree Bourbon hit the market in March 2019 and since that time has received the 2020 Silver Medal for the 90 Proof and a 2020 Bronze Medal for the 118 proof (limited run) from the American Distilling Institute.
Chakra Vodka also won a gold medal at the 2020 Bartenders Spirits Awards.
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