
Bartender Spirits Awards

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James Saufley: Know Your Bartender

Photo for: James Saufley: Know Your Bartender

24/08/2023 My goal as a Mixologist is to create successful Craft Cocktails that are Bartender friendly and generate sales

Your current place of work / Last place of work.

Butler Cabin USA / Magdalena's. Ivy Hotel Baltimore MD USA 

Tell us about yourself.

I took a bartending job to look for a job 34 years ago. I got hooked and never left. In ‘06 I was selected as one of Marriott’s top bartenders worldwide and was instrumental in creating the “Bar Arts” program. I was one of the main characters in the pilot of the reality show “ Barmagedden”. I’ve created cocktails for several Hotel groups. 2 Cocktails generated over &110k in 9 months at Hotel Revere in Boston USA. I am in the Maryland Boxing Hall of Fame. I served in the USMC and the US Army Airborne. I am married to a former Bartender and we have 2 English Bulldogs.

Why did you want to become a Bartender?

I was broke and needed cash. Also for the excitement. To keep me out from the other side of the bar!

What are some of the most important skills for a Bartender?

Personality is number one. Anyone can make drinks. You can't teach that. The second would be knowledge of products, and menus. Work ethic and attitude. Try to be better than the day before. And if you’ve had a bad day, leave it outside before you step behind the wood. Keep yourself in shape, it will get you through a long shift. No one wants to look at unattractive people behind the bar.

What do you look for when you plan to buy new products for your business?

Mixability. Will it make a good cocktail? Price and popularity. Do I need to have it? It also depends on the type of bar I’m working on.

Image: Butler Cabin USA

If you had to pick one spirit brand you love, which would that be?

Amaro is my go-to for mixing. Tito makes me.

What's the best part of your job?

Creating a memorable experience. Making new friends.

Please share some tips to increase beverage sales in a Bar.

Measuring Cocktails and Spirits. Also wine. Knowledge of all products. Keeping abreast of the latest trends. Bartender interaction.


What do you love hearing as a bartender?

We will be back. Great drink. 

How can a customer get your attention in a crowded bar?

Wait patiently and be polite. Also, a good tip beforehand doesn't hurt. 

What is your go-to "surprise me" order?

The Pegu Club has no sugar, it’s in the Spirits. 2 types of Bitters. London Dry Gin or Plymouth. Fresh Lime Juice. (Key to a great Cocktail.)

Please name 3 bars that you admire and why.

1. The Conch Republic Bar at the Wharf in Key West Fla. Of course the view. The food and the attentive bartenders.

2. The London West Hollywood LA USA. The great Cocktails, The vibe and who you see walking around in there.

3. Connolly’s 47th St. Manhattan NYC. The warm feel. The bartenders. A pub above. 

Any good customer story that you recall that comes to mind?

I was working at a Marriott in Baltimore County, It was a Sunday night and we closed at 12 Midnight. At around 11:30 a wedding party arrived from off property. The bride was originally from Columbia, the groom was from Ireland. They met while working in Bmore. The group consisted of 1/4 Columbians, 1/2 Irish and 1/4 New York Irish. I could have given the last call when they walked in. I stayed open until 2 am. Instead of going to my Locale and having a few. The house made $, and I made $ but the main reason was they all came together on that day and I was a part of it. I hope that couple is still together and they didn't stay very long. ( They had something better to do) But the rest of the wedding party really enjoyed themselves. Almost too much. But that day I hope I made a difference. 

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