
Bartender Spirits Awards

Bartender Spirits Awards
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Only 48 hours left to enter your spirits in the International Bartender Spirits Awards

Photo for: Only 48 hours left to enter your spirits in the International Bartender Spirits Awards

30/01/2023 Get your spirits brand in the spotlight and shine in front of the leading on-premise buyers of the USA.

This is your chance to get recognized in the on-premise market and get your spirits in front of the industry's top players. The Early Bird offer ends on January 31 for the 2023 Bartender Spirits Awards  competition.

The Bartender Spirits Awards is a platform for spirits brands to grab the spotlight on the on-premise channel of the USA. The awards go out of their way to help great spirits be discovered by getting their spirits brands tasted and reviewed by an illustrious judges panel.

Bartender Spirits Awards Judges

Images: Bartender Spirits Awards Judges

The judging panel is made up of top-notch bartenders, beverage directors, the on-premise restaurant buyers which also include the latest Netflix-starred Drinks Masters Bartenders.

Benefits to the entrants:

1) Winners to get awareness among consumers in the USA.

Stories of winning brands featuring the distillery, distiller, and the brands shall be picked up by the editors at Los Angeles Drinks Guide, New York Drinks Guide, Chicago Drinks Guide, and San Francisco Drinks Guide, these are invaluable resources for spirits consumers in major cities in the USA, via the Beverage Trade Network.

2) Results to go to 50,000+ trade professionals in the USA in the Beverage Trade Network community.

News of your victory will reach the right ears, or should I say, the right eyes around the world via the Beverage Trade Network (BTN) community which consists of high-profile buyers who are on the lookout to add new spirits to their profiles and portfolios.

3) Results will get press awareness among media partners of the Bartender Spirits Awards and will be posted on BTN News, Bartenders Business, and BevRoute News.

Our media partners Beverage Trade Network, Bartenders Business, and BevRoute will provide extensive coverage in their press as well as social media. Let your spirits brand shine in a global spotlight with year-long social media support, targeted at American buyers of spirits.


View more winning benefits here.

Key Deadlines:

Early Bird Offer Deadline: January 31, 2023, Regular Submission Deadline: April 14, 2023

Warehouse Receiving Deadline: April 28, 2023

Judging: May 21, 2023

Winners Announced: June 07, 2023Pricing

Early Bird Pricing - $200 per spirit (Now till January 31, 2023)

Regular Pricing - $250 per spirit (February 1, 2023, to April 14, 2023)

Quantity Discount is available. View info here.

International and domestic spirits brands are invited to register. Here is how to enter