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BSA Shopper's Guide: Non-Alcoholic January

Photo for: BSA Shopper's Guide: Non-Alcoholic January

03/01/2024 Spirits alternatives are high in popularity as more & more health conscious people are looking forward to “Dry January” since its inception in 2013. Here is our list of new non-alcoholic drinks to try during this month.

Every year during Dry January, many are eschewing alcohol to reset priorities & have a booze-free month after celebrating the imminent beginning of new year. For some, it's a break after a holiday or a test to rethink their drinking habits. Regardless of the reasons, avoiding alcohol doesn’t mean you can’t still sip on a Non-Alcoholic delightful and flavorful cocktail or rather mocktail. 

Read our 11 flavor punched Non-alcoholic spirits from Bartender Spirits Awards 2023. You may even find yourself stocking your bar cart with these beverages for months as for the year our 6th edition of Bartender Spirits Awards 2024 is coming soon in chicago.

Ritual Zero Proof Aperitif Alternative

Image Source: Ritual Zero Proof 

Combined refreshment of Ritual Zero Proof Aperitif Alternative sets combination of Italian bitterness & sweetness of French Vermouth. Its flavor is well renowned at Bartender Spirits Awards 2023 performing a terrific score of 98 Points & a Double gold medal. 

Considering drinkers' health, Ritual Zero proof claims to have Zero calories and gluten. Making it a perfect cocktail partner for bartenders to explore. 

Tasting note:
Very herbal on the nose that continues on the palate with licorice root, lime, and cola and fade to a bitter finish.

Caleño Light & Zesty

Image Source : Caleno

Refined Columbian inca berry as the key role for this delight, tropical essence with  citrus and spice botanicals infused. Caleno’s participation in Bartender Spirits Awards 2023 winning 93 points from the Judging panel and a Gold Medal. 

Light & Zesty tropical non-alcoholic spirit is the season's favorite for bartenders. As it’s refreshing profile indulge drinkers back to mediterranean beach.

Tasting Notes:
Citrus and light anise on the nose. Pleasantly balanced on the palate, with a refreshing herbal finish.

Mexican Agave Spirit - ISH

Image Source: ISHSpirits

Authentic Mexican Agave & American oak infused Mexican Agave spirit, replicating the delicacy of agave spirit perfectly. Mindful drinkers can enjoy a non-alcoholic authentic Reposado taste with a smooth finish. 

A Treat for Vegans as ISH makes sure to use a peculiar distillation process using the shells from chili seeds to provide the satisfying heat to gain full strength spirits.

Mexican Agave Spirit - ISH stood firmly at Bartender Spirits Awards 2023 winning 92 points & a Gold Medal among others. 

Tasting Notes:
Nose is unique with hints of minerals and grass. Bittersweet on the palate with a pleasant bitter finish.

The Spirit of Milano

Image source: Thefreespirits

Hand crafted Spirit containing less than 0.5% ABV inspired by Magical Italian aperitivos, cautiously crafted in small batches to a complex, vibrant, bittersweet flavor profile. Ingredients so refined elevate drinker’s mood & refresh body with taste similar to any other authentic alcohol. 

The Spirit of Milano auspiciously won perfect 90 points in terms of taste, mixability, balance, package & value. Bartender Spirits Awards 2023 was a moment for The free spirit company as The Spirit of Milano was awarded a Gold Medal. 

Tasting Notes:
Nose - Vibrant pink fruits, pickled raspberries, hibiscus and candied orange
Palate - Rhubarb sourness, juicy red fruit bitterness, sweet cinnamon and clove
Finish - Long dry finish with floral gentian and chamomile

Wilfred's Non-Alcoholic Aperitif

Image Source: Wilfredsdrinks

Wilfred believes to bring a pack full of flavors not a pack full of sugar. Traditionally crafted Welfred’s Non-Alcoholic Aperitif is a holistic approach towards drinkers who seek alcoholic experience with no alcohol. 

With its all-natural botanical abilities, Wilfred’s Non-alcoholic aperitif managed to clench 90 points & a Gold Medal at Bartender Spirits Awards 2023. 

Welfred’s distillation results in a complex non-alcoholic aperitif crafted with a blend of natural rosemary, bitter orange, rhubarb and clove to create a unique but authentic British drink.

Tasting Notes:
Mint and anise on the nose, clove and cinnamon on the palette. A beautiful way to showcase clove.

Myth Coconut Non-Alcoholic Cane Spirit

Image source : MythDrinks

Myth Coconut Non-alcoholic cane spirit is one & only of its kind derived from natural coconut to upbring a versatile drink which can substitute alcohol & stand on its own uniqueness is what Colette Safhill, owner at Myth Drinks aimed for. 

In Bartender Spirits Awards 2023, Myth Coconut Non-alcoholic Spirit placed a successful 89 points & a Silver medal. 

A bit of a tropical wham & sunshine in glass, this Myth coconut Non-alcoholic spirit can be bartender as well as Everyone’s favorite who seek a non-alcoholic month. 

Check out our detailed conversation where Colette Safhill, Owner at Myth Drinks and Sid Patel, CEO at Bartender Spirits Awards explore the journey of Myth drinks. 

Tasting Notes:
Strong nose of black licorice. Sweet coconut on the palate, and finishes with even more black licorice.

Seven Giants - Añejo Style

Image source: spiritsofvirtues

Seven Giants Anejo Style tequila had an incredible year, exceptional Blue agave aged Non-alcoholic spirit comes with Savoury, salty, and spicy Indian black pepper characteristics followed by soul refreshment. 

Seven Giants : Anejo Style tequila is the world's first blue agave aged non-alcoholic spirit. Last year, It was awarded with a Silver medal & an astonishing 89 points at Bartender Spirits Awards 2023. 

Tasting Notes:
Sweet and salty sensations of rosemary and cucumber notes followed by lemongrass and curry.

Sears Spice Garden

Image source: searsdrinks

Sears spiced garden is an impression of technology & botanical excellence. Representing cutting edge technique to bring out the finest form of a Non-Alcoholic spirit. This gin holds greater potential in this dormant & trendy industry, where we could see its glimpse on Bartender Spirits Awards 2023 when Sears Spiced garden scored 89 points & won a Silver medal. 

With a special shredding process of the botanicals & intensive distillation process using  clove, eucalyptus, spruce needle, oak bark, cinnamon and lemon zest gives off a Vegan, sugar-free and flavors without the use of artificial flavoring making it a perfect fit any bartender’s profile. 

​​​​​​Tasting Notes:
Very inviting aroma reminiscent of chai spices with strong clove and cardamom. Perfect for a toddy.

Ghia Le Spritz Lime & Salt

Image source: Drinkghia

Classic lime & Salt by Ghia represent the summer, but it's an all time favorite around among bars. Ghia’s signature bitter Aperitivo contains Rosemary Extract, gentian, orange peel, Acacia, Chili Pepper Extract, rhubarb, and Elderflower Extract. 

These cans hold 88 points from Bartender Spirits Awards 2023 & a Silver medal which speaks of their botanical combination excellence. 

Tasting Notes:
Nice grapefruit forward with hints of tea and lime. Like tart citrus with a dash of salt and bubbles.

London Botanical Spirit - ISH

Image source: ishspirits

London Botanical spirit is botanical excellence. Sun-dried juniper from Southern Europe with coriander seeds from France, peppercorn, bitter orange and a unique distillate using the shells from chili seeds conditioning the authentic taste without alcohol. 

At Bartender Spirits Awards 2023, 87 points & a Silver Medal winner London botanical spirit strive to deliver the most authentic non-alcoholic beverage experience for the mindful drinker. It's not intended to be consumed neat but rather can be a great partner to bartenders serving cocktails or mojitos

Tasting Notes:
Botanicals on the nose with a nice gin essence and some citrus.. Slow heat that lingers.

Orange Old Fashion

Image source: Mixoloshe

With great spirits, comes great responsibilities. Mixoloshe’s Orange Old fashion had an amazing impression at Bartender Spirits Awards 2023. Serving citrusy, sweet taste of orange with classic old fashion flavor profile, infused cinnamon offering pleasant mouthfeel. 

With the highest score of 95 points and a Gold Medal in Non-alcoholic category, Mixoloshe’s Orange old fashion can be reliable Non-alcoholic Can as its trend is serving Mixologists with a creative view to experiment with cocktails and others. 

Zayn Malik, CCO of Mixoloshe said “My commitment to eliminating the stigma around non-alcoholic beverages. Non-alcoholic options should not be reserved solely for those who don’t drink, and the idea that non-alcoholic beverages are exclusively for “sober” individuals is a stereotype that I’m determined to challenge. My commitment lies in both innovation and social change, creating an environment where enjoying a non-alcoholic beverage is a choice, not a label, and where these drinks become a vibrant and celebrated part of the beverage landscape.”

With the Rise of the Non-alcoholic category, it’s important to serve these trends in your bar this Dry Month.  More and more people are loving the taste of these Low to Non ABV spirits and with their achievement at Bartender Spirits Awards 2023, it's leveraging to have them in your inventory or profile. 

Check out our blog on Trends shaping Chicago's Future, explore how these 7 trends are affecting the entire USA beverage industry here


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