21/10/2024 Paul Hletko lets us in on what secrets lie behind FEW Spirits’ unique flavors, sustainable practices and what’s next for craft spirits
Paul Hletko likes ending every day knowing that he has created something new, so a career in distilling was undoubtedly the right path for him. Now, as the founder, president and distiller of a grain-to-glass distilling company called FEW Spirits, Paul Hletko gives Bartender Spirits Awards his insights into his career and the distilling industry.
What was life like before you decided to become a distiller?
Prior to entering the distilling industry, my career was headed in a very different direction. I graduated from the University of Michigan with an engineering degree and worked as an attorney for a while. But my desire for creative pursuit nudged me to try something different so I started a rock and roll band and a record label. While my band has performed at some famous showcases and radio stations, the band was not as successful as I expected it to be, and the record label did not do any better. Realizing that a career in the entertainment industry may not be the ideal choice for me, I decided to make a change and eventually became a distiller.
Image Title and Credits: Distiller Paul Hletko
Why did you particularly choose to become a distiller?
There is an interesting reason why I chose to become a distiller and a part of the alcoholic beverage industry. It’s a part of my family tradition. Prior to World War II, my grandfather owned a large brewery in what is now the Czech Republic. Unfortunately, he lost his brewery to the Nazi invasion and the rest of his family in concentration camps. My grandfather spent the rest of his life trying to get his brewery back, so when he died, I decided to honor him by starting a distillery. Besides, I have enjoyed every day of my job as each is different and that I get to create new whiskeys and help people create them.
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What are some of the most important skills for a distiller?
It is obviously the need to be ingenious. Whether you want to solve a problem that is inevitably going to occur in the distillery or you are developing a new drink, it is crucial for you to be innovative and experimental. I also think it is important to have a basic understanding of science so you have a better idea of what needs to be done. Moreover, if you are knowledgeable about a drink, you can do a better job at selling it than anyone else because consumers are curious to learn about what is in their glass. Besides, who better to tell the story of a drink if not the distiller who has known it through its beginning, middle and ending stages?
Image Title and Credits: Paul Hletko of FEW Spirits
What steps do you take to become more sustainable?
Well, sustainability is a key component of FEW Spirits. As part of our goal to be a more eco-friendly distillery, we have different initiatives to ensure that we achieve it. Some of them include shortening our supply chain, reducing unnecessary packaging and running our distillery on wind-powered electricity. FEW Spirits has been as sustainable as feasible, and I can confidently say that we have done a good job in maintaining our environmental responsibility.
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What trends do you anticipate in the beverage industry in the coming months? Where do you see the domestic craft distilling scene going? What's next for the industry?
I have a strong feeling that domestic craft distilling will continue to grow. It has been my observation that consumers these days are craving authentic small-batch products rather than the same old drinks offered by many well-known brands. Honestly, modern consumers are dissatisfied and bored of always drinking the same thing so they appreciate that the craft distilleries are offering them new and exciting products that they desire. It's definitely a trend I look forward to.
Header image by Paul Hletko
Related links:
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